Halloween time should be fun! It’s also an awesome time to practice social communication opportunities! Before you start, understand where your child is on the Social Communication Bridge® in ALL environments and know the practical, yet critical, golden rules of S-CAT®:
- Comfort precedes communication and progress does not occur groups; build comfort and DO strategies AWAY from group settings
- Social engagement via Frontline™ and Handover/Takeover™ will benefit ALL children with Selective Mutism!
- Demystification is critical; help your child acknowledge and assess
- Asking and answering questions is important! (If you don’t ask, no chance to answer!)
- Minimize the need to ‘think’ and process! Preplan, script, and facilitate!

Halloween should be fun and silly for the whole family. Allow time for warm up, a child may cling to his/her parent in the beginning. Encourage children to be present and to take part at the level they are comfortable with according to the Bridge®. Prepare, prepare, prepare! Continue reading to learn how to make Halloween-based social communication activities easier for a child/teen with Selective Mutism, social anxiety, extreme shyness, or a related disorder.
In the Home Environment: Minimize Expectations!
- Give your child a role in encounters to establish control and reduce anxiety
- Help pick out candy, prepare Halloween bags, decorate, be the door opener, hold candy bowl, or give candy out, play with scary or silly décor
- Go over the routine in advance. PREPARE and roleplay!
- “Dress-rehearsal” for the doorbell ringing and giving out candy! Everyone should have a role and/or take turns!
- Some children love to dress up = Disguise! (Mask!) Other children feel uncomfortable. Don’t push the costume! Just support and provide a role! Parents dressing up can take pressure off of the child since attention on PARENT!
- Dual costume with friend/sibling!
- Buddy process! Tag teams! Handout candy together (Less expectation and eyes on child!)
- Be fun and silly! Just have fun and practice without expectation
- Level of communication is based on child’s highest level of communication where they do not feel stressed or anxiety! FEAR begets FEAR… This must be a pleasant and upbeat experience!
- Think “engagement” = Handing out candy: Stage 0-1 engaging to nonverbal!
- Practice greetings! It’s their home. They are the host = big shot role! o Stage 1 NV: Waving game (how many kids can you wave to?)
- Race to wave? NV initiation (Stage 1 b)
- Stage 2: Play a tape of Hi and Bye (Stage 2) or another message!
- Stage 3a: HI/BYE Copy Game! Person says “Hi” or “Bye”, child says “Hi” – verbal responding
- Stage 3b: Race to say “Hi” or “Bye” first – verbal initiation!
- Say greetings together ALL at once: “Thank you for coming!”
- Big Five Bracelets are ideal for this!
- Guess the questions that people can ask:
- “How are you?”
- “What are you for Halloween?”
- If not verbal, parents can bring child into the conversation via choice: “Are you Batman or Robin?” (Transitional Stage 2)

While Outside of the Home:
- Prepare child in advance: where are you going, what should you expect, who is going with you?
- Prepare your child for Trick or Treating by practicing at home first: knowing what to expect reduces anxiety and allows for more confidence and control
- Know where your child is on the Bridge to establish how the child participates in the actual trick-or-treating
- Never PUSH to say ‘Trick or Treat’ or push to go up to a house if child is shut down
How to use the Bridge® and allow the child to participate:
- Engage
- Frontline™– allow child to go up with a parent, sibling, or peer (allows for presence and engagement with support of parents, family, friends. (Pairing)
- Handover/Takeover™– child can hold out candy bag and allow it to be filled instead of taking the candy themselves. Or the child can hold out the bag while a parent, sibling, or peer picks out candy and puts it in the bag.
- Wave Hi or Bye
- Bring into Conversation- parent can ask child via direct choice questions- “Do you want the Hershey Bar or Milky Way?” Child can point, tell parent, or say their choice.
For Halloween Parties in or Outside of Home:
- Educate others about Selective Mutism and your child. Use the “About My Child” worksheet
- Arrive early
- Give child a task or a role in social encounters. BIG SHOT/leadership role!
- Bring child into conversations via choice: “Are you a Cinderella or Snow White?’
- Do not direct the child to, “Tell Mrs. Smith what your costume is.”
- Small group interaction is easier than larger group interaction
- Are you going out with a big or small group?
- Does your child know the children?
- Does your child know the adults present?
- Best case: Small group, familiar kids, and familiar adults!
- Be aware of environment: Too scary? Too overwhelming?
- If planning at home: stagger times people arrive so child can acclimate.
- If at someone’s house: arrive early to check out décor ahead of time and warm up.
- Hand items out and use silly props and costumes as icebreakers and as a way to bring the child into conversation

Approaching Costumes: A Huge Issue for Many Young Children
- Costumes can be very scary for some children, especially seeing adults dress up!
- Can be a great disguise for many kids! They can hide behind their costumes. May be a great first step towards engaging and communicating with others!
- Practice dressing up (wigs, makeup, texture, etc.) Especially helpful for our Sensory Kids.
- Talk about types of costumes a child will see. Scary, Silly, etc.
- Look online at different costumes in advance to show scary types and funny ones.
- Go out earlier if possible. There will be more light and less people which will allow for adjustment
- Make a game out of how many scary costumes there are! Be on the look out! “Eye Spy” helps children think and hence they will shut down less.