School-Based Services
Our school-based services cater to school professionals seeking an increased understanding of a student’s social communication challenges. This types of consultations will implement strategies and accommodations that will serve students in the classroom setting. Available to both SMart Center patients and non-patients.
Questions? Book an exploratory call with us!
School Consultation
Review of SM School Evaluation form(s) submitted by up to 2 teachers/school professionals and review of current 504 Plan/IEP if applicable*
Overview of Selective Mutism as a social communication anxiety and Social Communication Bridge
Discuss student’s baseline stage of communication, “WHYs” of SM, and presenting challenges
- Implementation of best strategies and interventions
If academic challenges exist, discuss possible relationship to student’s SM and recommendations
Question and Answer opportunity
Comprehensive written report outlining best accommodations/interventions and strategies (can inform a 504/IEP plan if applicable) plus relevant supporting handouts/articles
On-Site School Observation & Training
Overview: A trained clinician will observe a child with social communication challenges in their classroom setting then meet with school personnel to discuss findings and suggest school-based accommodations and interventions.
- Note: service is not meant to replace an initial in-person evaluation of a child/student. At no time is a medical or psychological diagnosis made or confirmed nor are recommendations supplied for outside of the school environment.
Details: Our clinician will spend approximately one hour observing the student in their classroom setting and approximately one hour discussing findings, recommendations, and answering questions with school team.
- Note: service is available for a current patients of the SMart Center as a 2-hour training. In this case, observation time is either optional or required based on clinician recommendation.
This service includes:
- Pre-appointment clinical review of SMart Center assessment forms from school and parents
- A clinical report post-session.
Service is available in parts of PA, NJ, NY, MD, & DE.
General Training Opportunities
Overview: This seminar will provide a general education for school professionals looking to better understand and assist children with selective mutism. This training can be adapted for in-person or web-conferencing formats in various lengths of time (one hour, half day, whole day).
Details: Attendees will learn:
- What behaviors are indicative of selective mutism
- How Dr. Shipon-Blum’s evidenced based S-CAT® treatment approach can help
- What interventions can be used to promote communication within the school setting.
We will also discuss topics such as, contributing factors to a child’s development of selective mutism; how to evaluate a mute child, and school accommodations/interventions (504/IEP). Time will also be provided to answer questions.
In-person trainings: for schools in parts of PA, NJ, NY, MD, & DE.