Selective Mutism, Anxiety,  & Related Disorders Treatment Center

 The comprehensive SMart Center is directed by Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum, who specializes in treating children and adults with selective mutism, social anxiety/shyness, social communication (pragmatic) disorder, and related challenges. Our holistic approach is rooted in treating the whole individual, not just his or her social communication issues.

This philosophy led Dr. Shipon-Blum to develop the evidence-based Social Communication Anxiety Treatment (S-CAT)®, which has been used to successfully treat more than 5,000 individuals worldwide. The SMart Center is the only center in the world that implements Dr. Shipon-Blum’s S-CAT® Program.

Upcoming Events

The SMart Center is committed to educating and treating those affected by Selective Mutism and related social communication anxiety disorders. In support of this mission, we offer many events from educational conferences & webinars, to intensive group treatment camps.
View all of our upcoming events here!

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Stay up-to-date with our events and SMart Tips by signing up for our weekly newsletter!

We offer an array of services for children, teens, and adults with the goal of quick and consistent social communication progress at home, in the real world, and at school!

Treatment Programs

Learn about our evidence based treatment programs including our S- CAT® Program and CommuniCamp

Dr. Shipon-Blum’s Social Communication Anxiety Treatment® Program (S- CAT®) is an evidenced-based program for children & young adults with selective mutism, social anxiety, shyness, social communication disorder & related issues. It is designed to help your loved one become verbally communicative and socially confident!

Assessment Services

Assessment is the first step in creating a successful treatment plan for your child.

Assessment is the first step in creating a successful treatment plan for your child. Specialized testing services include: Social Communication Diagnostic, Speech & Language Evaluation, Psychoeducational Evaluation, Neuropsychological Evaluation, Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic, & S-CAT Program Evaluation.


Learn about our intensive group treatment program! Upcoming dates: August 11-13, 2017

A 3-day intensive group treatment program to help your child with Selective Mutism build the social communication skills necessary for school, the real world, and at home. Using the evidence-based S-CAT® created by Selective Mutism expert, Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum, we will help your child cross the bridge to social communication!


Learn about our Selective Mutism 'In the School' Conference. New dates coming soon.

Full days of learning with the experts themselves. The SMart Center travels the world to offer workshops on a wide range of topics! From the basics of how to define and approach treatment for Selective Mutism to how to deal with Selective Mutism in the school environment. See if there is a conference coming up near you!


View all of our upcoming webinar events.

Join our expert clinicians in a web-based learning session from the comfort of your own home. Topics include, but aren’t limited to, medication in the treatment of SM & anxiety, co-existing conditions with SM, psychoeducational & neuropsychological testing, and more! View all of our upcoming webinar events here.

The SMart Mart

All the Selective Mutism products you need in one place!

Find all the Selective Mutism- related products you need in one place! The SMart Mart has all of the SM resources necessary to progress across the Social Communication Bridge. Find books (paperback and eBooks), DVD’s, communication tools, pre-recorded webinars, and all upcoming webinars

Ask the Expert

A FREE Q&A web session with our expert, Jennifer Brittingham, M.A.!

Join us for a FREE Q&A web session at the SMart Center! Sessions are tailored to the attendees specific needs/questions. All are welcome, but space is limited so registration is required.

Our Shining Stars
Speak Out

Our Shining Stars Speak Out: See videos of our success stories as well as hear parents speak out about their experiences with our treatments.


See Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum and the SMart Center in the media.

See Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum and the SMart Center in the media. From TIME magazine and 20/20 TV specials, to recent research updates on selective mutism, social anxiety, and social communication disorders.

Feedback From Those Who’ve Worked With Us

Dr. E,
Just wanted to give you a quick update on Dani. She is doing great. She has overcome SM. She is able to talk in all settings now, including giving book reports to her class. She is in 4th grade now… can you believe it? We came to you when she was 4 years old! She started the year with no signs of SM. She still can seem a little reserved at times but she is able to respond when spoken to even at those times! Thanks for all you do!

Our school team cannot say enough about your S-CAT® Program for Selective Mutism. Our staff attended a recent workshop that you provided and we were able to develop, with your help, a plan for our two students with Selective Mutism. We have seen remarkable progress in just a few weeks. Thank you so much!

Dr. E, Jen, and the SMart Center Support staff,

I wanted to share some wonderful news regarding Lila. On the first day of school, I received a phone call from her teacher.  All the education to the school staff and Lila’s treatment paid off!  Lila was able to speak to her teacher and friends today! I want to thank you for all of your time, knowledge, support and devotion to your profession. I truly believe we could not have come this far without your influence. It has been quite a ride. Please know that I will be happy to assist you in any way that I can regarding your mission.


We are so thrilled we hired you to help us develop a school plan for one of our students. We have a much better understanding on how to use strategies. The advice you provided our speech pathologist, teachers and psychologist were spot on since our student was able to respond verbally to our questions and initiate with a buddy in class within a few days! We feel we have a better understanding of Harris’ needs. Thank you for your expertise. We are so excited for the progress we have already seen!

Contact The Selective Mutism Center Today!