Teen and Adult Resources2024-12-12T09:14:02-05:00

Resources for Teens and Adults with SM

We have over 30 years experience working with teens and adults. The resources below include handouts, webinars, podcasts, and S-CAT® tools to help in the understanding of and progression through SM in teens and adults.


Selective Mutism Evaluation

Helps to determine factors into WHY a teen is mute, why it may be continuing, and Stages of Social Communication in all social settings.

CommuniCamp for Teens

CommuniCamp™ for Teens delivers the motivation for success and will address all aspects of life for ages 13 to 17 (acceptions made for ages 18 & 19 upon clinician approval).

Individualized Intensive

The individualized intensive is our gold standard of care to assess social communication challenges, including contributing factors and/or co-occurring challenges as well as baseline stages on the Social Communication Bridge.

Virtual Get Together

For ages 10 to 18, join a clinician and similar-aged peers in a comfortable social setting to practice skills to increase social communication and confidence.

Podcast Episodes

Webinars & Handouts

Selective Mutism Through the Ages

From tots, to teens, to adults – how does clinical presentation change and how do we adapt our treatment accordingly?

Helping Teens and Adults Communicate

This webinar helps individuals struggling with Selective Mutism become confident social communicators.

‘What is SM?’ Booklet

This booklet offers a comprehensive definition of Selective Mutism – including diagnostic criteria, a glimpse into S-CAT®, and much more.

Cultivating Confident Social Communicators

This guide helps individuals struggling with Selective Mutism become confident social communicators.

Communication Progression by Age

For ages 10 to 18, join a clinician and similar-aged peers in a comfortable social setting to practice skills to increase social communication and confidence.

Handling Teens with SM in the Real World

Help your teen navigate public places by educating yourself and preparing them ahead of time.

Fostering Independence in Teens

In this blog post, we’ll explore effective strategies for building independence in older children/teens. 

Eliminate Power Struggles with Teens

Power struggles may arise as they assert their independence and test boundaries. However, as parents, it’s essential to foster a supportive and respectful environment that minimizes conflicts.

Teen Success Stories

Featuring the success stories of our former teen patients who have overcome Selective Mutism, read the treatment journeys of some of our Shining Stars. To ask a question to one of our teens, click the button below!

Meet Veronica

Meet Audrey

Meet Nick

Meet Leila

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