Meet Mason

When Mason was 3-years-old, his parents realized that he only spoke to a limited amount of family members and wouldn’t speak to anyone outside of the home. Mason was naturally outgoing but by the time he was in 1st grade, he became depressed as he couldn’t use his voice in school to engage with other kids. Mason’s family then discovered the SMart Center where he attended CommuniCamp™ and made a 180! Today, Mason feels happier, more confident, and talks to friends and is eager to make new friends at school.

Read more about how Mason overcame SM below!

How old was your child when you first noticed he/she was mute in select settings?

3 years old.

Please briefly summarize where/when your child was mute/not mute.

Mason would not speak in any setting. He would only speak to less than 10 immediate family members.

Was your child in treatment for Selective Mutism, Social Anxiety, or related disorders before finding the SMart Center?

Yes, he was in weekly therapy.

What brought you to seek treatment at the SMart Center?

Mason was communicating with kids his own age in preschool and kindergarten, and regressed to the point of not talking to any kids in first grade. Mason was becoming depressed because he was extremely outgoing and could not use his voice. Despite communicating non verbally, he still desperately wanted to use his voice. The SMart center gave us the skills to help Mason without feeling pressured. It allowed us to advocate correctly regarding school and medication options. CommuniCamp™ allowed Mason to be himself and be around kids who experienced the same things!

What SMart Center services did you use?

  • CommuniCamp™ Intensive Group Treatment & Parent Training Program
  • Podcast

How often do/did you consult with the SMart Center?

We did the consultation before camp and one follow-up after camp.

What changes have you noticed?

Mason is now on medicine on a low dose approach and does weekly therapy. Shortly after starting medication he was able to use his skills and began talking at school and therapy. He goes in public occasionally with his therapist to expand his skills. Recently Mason has started ordering his own food at coffee shops and restaurants. He no longer has anxiety about going to school and does not fake sick or cry to try to avoid going. Mason actually asks to go to school and loves making friends now. His confidence has improved tremendously as well as his overall happiness.

What S-CAT® strategies helped the most?

Making social communication into something fun and easy instead of creating pressure to communicate verbally.

Do you have any “key” advice for parents going through it now?

Meet your child where they are at. ADVOCATE for your child. Don’t make Selective Mutism a bad thing or some sort of secret. Don’t fear medicine, but also do it correctly.

How does Emily feel since working with the SMart Center? 

“I feel better than I’ve ever felt!”