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CommuniCamp™ is a 3+ day Intensive Group Treatment and Parent Training Program to help children and teens ages 3-17 (at every level of communication e.g. shut-down and non-communicative, nonverbal, somewhat communicative, etc.) with Selective Mutism, social anxiety, and extreme shyness speak in school and other social settings. Based on 20+ years of experience treating Selective Mutism using Social Communication Anxiety Treatment® (S-CAT®), the evidence-based treatment approach created by world-renowned Selective Mutism expert, Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum, we will help your child, tween, or teen build the social communication skills necessary for school, the real world, and at home.

The CommuniCamp™ Mission is two-fold: 1) treatment in small, peer-groups in a school for children and teens and 2) parent education, training, and support seminars:

Intensive Group Treatment:

Over the course of a three-day weekend (5 hours/day, 15 hours total), our professionally trained counselors, under the direction of our lead clinicians, work directly with two-to-three campers on social comfort and confidence to instill social confidence, increase communication, and facilitate learning of coping skills using S-CAT® based strategies using each camper’s individual baseline for social communication. Through these strategies and by removing the expectation for speech and respecting each camper’s baseline, our campers see and hear themselves communicating confidently in a peer-group school setting which translates to their school environment when they get home.

Parent Training, Education, and Support Seminars:

While campers undergo treatment, we simultaneously provide 15 hours of intensive parent education, training, and breakout support sessions so parents can immerse themselves in the world of Selective Mutism and learn strategies, ask questions, share stories, receive support, and feel confident implementing the goals, strategies, and interventions the entire family learned at CommuniCamp™, at home.

CommuniCamp™ has been rated as “excellent,” “life-changing,” and highly recommended by parents!


  • Friday, February 14, 2020: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM EST (Welcome & Orientation Get-Together)
  • Saturday, February 15, 2020: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM EST (Day One, Child and Parent Sessions)
  • Sunday, February 16, 2020: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM EST (Day Two, Child and Parent Sessions)
  • Monday, February 17, 2020: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM EST (Day Three, Child and Parent Sessions)

The SMart Center’s CommuniCamp™ Program is held multiple times over the course of the year. Click here to find out when!

WHO CAN APPLY? Children and teens (new and existing SMart Center patients) ages 3-17-years-old with Selective Mutism, Social Anxiety, and/or Extreme Shyness (and their families!). Your loved one does not need an official diagnosis to attend.

WHERE IS IT? We rent a local school in the Greater Philadelphia Area (Click here for local, low-cost housing recommendations)

HOW TO REGISTER? WHAT’S THE PROCESS & FEES? The process for families to join CommuniCamp™ is simple as 1-2-3!

  1. APPLY. Click here to complete the application so that Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum can perform a detailed review and assessment of the application to determine if applicant is eligible for group treatment prior to being involved in our Individualized Intensive Treatment Program. This is one of many unique aspects of CommuniCamp™. This is how we are able to accept new patients directly into group treatment! Our globally successful, evidence-based treatment approach, Social Communication Anxiety Treatment® (SCAT®), is grounded in the understanding that Selective Mutism is more than just not speaking in social settings. Your loved one with Selective Mutism and/or Social Anxiety developed SM and remains “stuck” from one or more contributing factors. The application also allows to start to uncover the child’s/teen’s unique needs so that we can utilize the appropriate S-CAT® strategies with respect to his/her baseline.  There is a $75 non-refundable application assessment fee. After a clinical assessment of your application, you will be notified of your status within 2-3 business days. Since established SMart Center patients have already completed the initial interviews and assessments, they are eligible to submit the application at no cost by using the coupon code: SMartPatient 
  2. MEET. After your application is thoroughly reviewed, you will be eligible for one of three meeting options (in-person or virtual, dependent on clinical assessment of application) with one of our clinicians to deepen our understanding of your child’s unique social communication needs so that we can determine ideal group placement and identify and plan for the proper treatment strategies to utilize during the CommuniCamp™ weekend. Since we use S-CAT® model in a peer-group and school setting, this step will help foster a comfortable, fun, and therapeutic weekend for all. There is a minimum fee of $300* for this step; however, based on clinical assessment of application, Dr. Shipon-Blum might recommend individualized treatment prior to attending the program. More detailed information and pricing will be sent upon application acceptance. After your meeting is completed and your CommuniCamp™ acceptance is confirmed, we will create your child’s unique experience. Before, during, and after camp, purposeful, specific strategies are used to help ease each child’s specific anxieties, which will foster social comfort in a school-like setting and hence, communication. *This step is waived for SMart Center families who’ve been seen within 6 months to 1 year. Upon acceptance of application, the meeting may or may not be necessary pending clinician determination.  
  3. ATTEND. Steps 1 and 2 unite with a Welcome & Orientation Get-Together (the evening prior to Day One of the program) where campers and parents will meet their counselors, fellow campers, and tour the facility. Therapeutic, S-CAT® strategies are incorporated into this pre-camp event so we recommend arriving to the Philadelphia area the afternoon before the Day One of the program. During CommuniCamp™ (after camper drop off), parents will meet each day with Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum and our clinical staff for educational and support sessions. Parents will receive hands-on training and learn proven, step-by-step treatment strategies with goal charts, opportunities to ask questions, as well as time to connect with other parents. Campers will have a detailed schedule each day (9AM – 2PM) that consists of fun games and activities to foster social comfort, confidence, and progression of communication in home, school, and real world settings. Campers work directly with their counselors and clinicians in their small groups or paired with buddies, as well as participate in pull-out sessions with our clinicians. The program includes charted games/goals, handouts, webinars, an individual follow-up call, and more to take home! There is an $1,800 fee associated with this step.

For more detailed information, click on the links below, visit www.CommuniCamp.org or email CommuniCamp@SelectiveMutismCenter.org

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