EP3, Part 2: Comorbidities of Selective Mutism
Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum welcomes Board Certified Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychologist Vera Joffe Ph.D., P.A. to the podcast to discuss common co-morbidities with Selective Mutism.
Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum welcomes Board Certified Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychologist Vera Joffe Ph.D., P.A. to the podcast to discuss common co-morbidities with Selective Mutism.
Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum welcomes Board Certified Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychologist Vera Joffe Ph.D., P.A. to the podcast to discuss common co-morbidities with Selective Mutism.
Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum (‘Dr. E’) goes into detail about the philosophy and strategies that make up S-CAT®, her evidence-based Social Communication Anxiety Treatment® approach.
In the very first episode of Unspoken Words, Dr. Shipon-Blum describes how she got to where she is today and why Selective Mutism (SM) is such a misunderstood diagnosis.