“I suspect my 5-year-old son has Selective Mutism, however, he has never been diagnosed or evaluated for SM. What does the process look like for evaluation?

If you suspect your child may have Selective Mutism, I highly recommend an evaluation by a professional who has experience with selective mutism.  There are way too many clinicians that see SM as choosing or refusing to speak, and that’s anything but the truth!

Since Selective Mutism is a social communication anxiety disorder, there needs to be an understanding of the whole person.  This involves the understanding of your child’s unique presentation and needs. This will pave the way for a more effective treatment and school-based accommodations and intervention plan for your child.

To begin the selective mutism evaluation, at least what we do at the SMART Center, consists of various assessment forms that a parent in school will fill out.  In addition, we will gather background history, current functioning, we’ll do an inventory of social communication anxiety, and an extensive selective mutism screening and diagnosis if applicable.

We will review treatment options and a comprehensive report will be provided. During this evaluation, we will assess the individual’s baseline stages of social communication in all areas of their life. This includes at home with guests, with peers, and with family. This also includes the school setting with classmates, with teachers, in small and large groups.

We will also look at how your child in the community; stores, restaurants, activities that they participate in, visiting aunts, uncles, and friends. This is very important. In addition, we will screen for the WHYs of SM. These are the factors into the development and maintenance of SM. We’ll also screen for coexisting challenges that we often see exist with children with Selective Mutism and could impact their individual presentation.

During the evaluation, we will determine the best strategies for progression of communication during the Selective Mutism evaluation. Then, during treatment sessions, either individualized and or group, such as CommuniCamp, we will begin with this comprehensive understanding to start their treatment. This will help us the social communication confidence, allowing them to eventually progress across the social communication bridge in all areas of their life so they become a confident social communicator and verbal in all settings. – Dr. E


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