EP47 of the Unspoken Words podcast features our latest installment of our Ask Dr. E series, where we answer real questions from our listeners.

In the episode, we answer five questions, including how to deal with contamination; if your child’s impatient, demand-driven behavior is a sign of OCD, if it’s possible to develop SM at home but speak clearly at school and more. 


(4:18) How do you deal with contamination?

(11:12) Are my six-year-old daughter’s impatience, refusal to comply until she gets what she wants, and negative assumptions about others related to OCD, and are they treatable?

(16:28) Can a teenager develop SM at home but speak clearly at school?

(20:44) How can I help my 10-year-old son with ASD and selective mutism continue building social confidence despite lingering anxiety in certain situations?

(25:14) Where should treatment start for a 4-year-old with selective mutism and “the quad,” especially given school-related challenges, to maximize progress without overwhelming the child?

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