Meet Molly

Ever since Molly was young, her parents realized she was mute in a variety of settings. Molly was non-verbal in school, around unfamiliar adults, and at any time she was uncomfortable with what was being asked to her. After her mom, a mental health professional herself, researched Selective Mutism, Molly’s family joined us for CommuniCamp™. Since joining us for camp and learning S-CAT® strategies like using a verbal intermediary, Molly is attending a new school and now is fully verbal with her teachers and peers!

Read more about Molly’s SM journey below!

How old was your child when you first noticed he/she was mute in select settings?

3 years old.

Please briefly summarize where/when your child was mute/not mute. 

In school settings, around grown-ups, when uncomfortable with the type of questions being asked, and with an audience.

Was your child in treatment for Selective Mutism, Social Anxiety, or related disorders before finding the SMart Center?


What brought you to seek treatment at the SMart Center? What makes S-CAT® treatment different from other methods you may have tried before finding the SMart Center, if any?

I couldn’t find anyone else who knew what they were doing. I am a mental health professional myself and I didn’t really know. Once I was taught through the SMart Center, I trained Molly’s teachers and her therapist.

What SMart Center services did you use?

  • CommuniCamp™ Intensive Group Treatment & Parent Training Program

How often do/did you consult with the SMart Center?

Once for camp, a little before and then a little after.

What changes have you noticed?

When Molly ended the school year in 2021 she was completely shut down. Her school was virtual and she couldn’t participate at all in that modality. She basically failed 8th grade as we couldn’t get the school to stick with her 504 plan and teachers continued to believe she was purposely being disrespectful. We moved her to a private school where they allowed me to go in and teach the staff about SM. She has played volleyball for the last two years. This year she is a cheerleader who serves as the spotter who calls the stunts and keeps count for the squad. She also is doing the morning announcements in the school. Finally, she recently got in trouble for “disrupting the class” by talking. That teacher had missed my presentation and didn’t know she had SM and laughed when I told him that he would have to humor me and how happy I was that she comfortable enough in the school setting to relax like that. She is happy and confident!

What S-CAT® strategies helped the most?

Using a friend/me to speak on her behalf and giving her some flexibility in the classroom (private presentations with the teachers, etc.) allowed her to gain some confidence. She doesn’t use any strategies anymore. In fact, if I ask if she needs help, she rolls her eyes.

Do you have any “key” advice for parents going through it now?

Don’t wait. Get help and get it as soon as you can, both for SM and for any other conditions that may be present. Be your child’s advocate.

If your child/teen is willing to share a brief sentence or two about he/she is feeling now, please enter it below.

“Ugh, no mom.” 🙂