1. Our practitioners are world experts in the field. 

    • The SMart Center director, Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum (Dr. E), pioneered early, effective treatment approaches to Selective Mutism.
    • Dr. E’s Social Communication Anxiety Treatment® (S-CAT®) program is acknowledged as the gold standard for treating SM.  and is increasingly being used in treatment for a range of other social communication issues.
    • Dr. E and our other practitioners have ample experience using S-CAT® to treat children, teenagers, and adults.
  2. S-CAT® therapy is proven and extensively researched.

    • More than 5,000 children have been successfully treated at the SMart Center.
    • Research has been done at the Selective Mutism Research Institute (SMRI) that shows children made statistically significant improvements in their ability to speak in school and other social settings with each treatment visit with the SMart Center.
    • The SMart Center is the only center in the world that implements the S-CAT® program.
    • Research on S-CAT® shows that children significantly improve their communication skills after each visit to the SMart Center compared to what can feel like an endless mill of visits with the psychologist, therapist or speech pathologist.
  3. We get results, fast.

    • 3-7 visits is the average number of sessions at the SMart Center.
    • Our structured, step-by-step approach saves you money while delivering results.
  4. SM and social communication issues are what we do, all day, every day. 

    • Unlike generalist medical practices, our center is dedicated to treating children, teenagers and adults suffering only from selective mutism, social communication anxiety, and related disorders.
    • You will work with specialists who know what you’re dealing with and who can get results for your loved one.
  5. We treat the whole person.

    • We take a holistic approach to treating your child or loved one.
    • Our treatment is based on the understanding that social communication issues are a symptom, not the root cause of what is causing your loved one to be mute or socially anxious.
    • We develop an individualized approach for each patient, tailoring our S-CAT® program to their unique needs.