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Join our Lead Support Clinician, Jennifer Brittingham, M.A. discuss strategies for leveraging various communication devices to overcoming SM!
There are numerous benefits and conveniences to our technological advances however, with these advantages also comes a pitfall. Learn how various technologies of today are impacting our children and teenagers with Selective Mutism and Social Anxiety and how to find a healthy balance. In a society where computers, smart phones, and tablets are in high demand, and social media, live streaming, online gaming, and instant online shopping are an integrated part of our daily routine, it seems that no matter the topic of interest or personal goal we might have, there is an APP for that! Many communication apps can help our children and teens with SM become more communicative with the ease of a button. For example, online gaming can provide a new, less anxiety provoking way to engage with peers when the face-to-face interaction is overwhelming. Additional examples and strategies will be discussed. 

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