This episode features the latest installment of our Shining Star series. Olive was diagnosed with Selective Mutism in pre-school, when her parents noticed she wasn’t talking in school yet was fully verbal and “normal” at home.  In this episode, Dr. E sits down with Olive’s mom, Mindy, to discuss how Olive overcame Selective Mutism, what Olive is like today, and the strategies that worked. 


(3:14) Mindy and her daughter Olive’s Selective Mutism Story 

(8:10) Mindy and her daughter’s experience at CommuniCamp 

(12:17) The tipping point moment where treatment was the only way through 

(15:24) What’s Olive like today? 

(23:27) Importance of Parental Education 

(27:22) Mindy’s advice to parents and strategies that worked for her and her child 

(42:07) How Mindy helped her child build social connections 

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