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Selective Mutism Resources for School Professionals

Selective Mutism is a social communication anxiety disorder and needs to be approached from an anxiety perspective. For the student to successfully overcome SM, certain characteristics must be present within the classroom to enable for the development of social comfort and the progression of communication.

Goals for parents, teachers and treatment professionals are to work together in a purposeful manner to help a student with SM overcome their difficulty with communication by providing the ideal classroom setting. 

School and Assessment Services

School Services

Assessment Offerings

Request a School Consultation

SM School Evaluation Form

Unspoken Words: A Selective Mutism Podcast

EP21: Ask Dr. E- Ways to get your child to speak in school, how to get past the verbal intermediary stage, when you should consider AAC devices or apps & more

Books and Webinars

The Ideal Classroom for the Selectively Mute Child

Recommendations on testing, IEP development and multiple methods to help lower anxiety, build self esteem and increase communication comfort within the school are emphasized throughout this book.

The Selective Mutism Summer Vacation & Back-To-School Guide

The guide consists of recommendations and strategies to build social communication skills during summer break as well as both preparing for and start of the new school year.

Easing School Jitters for the Selectively Mute Child

he book is a must for parents, teachers and treating professionals trying to help the child with SM conquer his/her fears, worries and communication difficulties within the school environment.

Back-to-School Planning for the Child with Selective Mutism

Strategies for building social comfort and communication at the start of a new school year

Summer Strategies 101: Keep Communication Going!

Speaks on advice for coping with the anxiety of routine changes during the summer and how to keep socialization going

Summer Strategies 102: Vacation Time!

Speaks on advice for traveling with Selective Mutism including the types of SM travelers, trip preparation, and speaking expectations


The Social Communication Bridge®

Download and print the Social Communication Bridge, an effective tool in the treatment of Selective Mutism

Selective Mutism In the School Setting

Jennifer Brittingham’s presentation on Selective Mutism in the school environment and how to best set up your student for success

The Spot

The SPOT focuses on the golden rule of S-CAT®: ‘comfort precedes communication’ where progress and strategies are done away from the group.

S-CAT® Accommodation Recommendations

Recommendations for accommodations for Selective Mutism in the school setting based on the challenge presented.

The Selective Mutism Interview Goal/Game©

The Interview Goal/Game © helps children learn how to respond to and initiate with others, which are crucial communication skills.

Building Social Comfort in School

Includes handouts on topics like in-the-school strategies, school accommodations, The Spot, staff facilitation, classroom buddies, and the differences between IDEA and Section 504.

Marketing Materials

SMart Center Brochure

Counseling and Assessments Flyer

Autism Assessment Flyer

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