Selective Mutism in the School Virtual Conference
April 4 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Individuals with Selective Mutism (SM) manifest social communication deficits based on the setting and expectations from others within a setting. Parents, therapists, and school staff are often perplexed as to how to help the mute child. Dr. Shipon-Blum, an expert in treating children and adolescents with SM and developer of Social Communication Anxiety Treatment® (S-CAT®), conceptualizes SM as a social communication anxiety disorder where “not speaking” merely skims the surface of the difficulties these individuals face. Dr. Shipon-Blum has found that individuals with SM can make significant progress and transition to verbal communication when provided with comprehensive treatment that focuses on the whole person and improving his/her social communication and engagement skills.
The school environment is most often the setting where children present as mute. Progress in the therapy room and at home will not automatically generalize to the school setting without the implementation of specific treatment goals and adult facilitation from educational staff. SM treatment in the school requires a team approach involving the clinician, parents, and educational staff. Through collaboration and consistent implementation of specific treatment strategies and goals, students with SM can transition to verbal communication in the school setting.
This conference will review the importance of the initial evaluation and assessment process that are critical in developing an effective treatment plan for an individual with Selective Mutism. Next, the impact of SM on a child’s academic performance and ability to make progress and the need for accommodations and services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan will be discussed. A review of common comorbid disorders (e.g., speech and language disorder, sensory processing disorder, developmental delays, etc.) seen in children with SM and sample accommodations and interventions to address these challenges in the school setting will also be discussed. Finally, the presentation will identify and describe effective treatment strategies and interventions in treating SM in the school setting.
The conference will be led by world-renowned Selective Mutism expert, Dr. Elisa Shipon Blum. Dr. Shipon-Blum’s S-CAT® treatment has helped thousands of children, teens, and young adults overcome selective mutism, social anxiety, extreme shyness, and related challenges.